Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Chhatak Structure Plan (2011-2031)

Chhatak Pourashava located in Sunamganj district, is the only urban area of Chhatak Upazila. The Pourashava is located within 25°3’21’’ and 25°0’34’’ North Latitude and 91°40’53’’ and 91°38’8’’ East Longitude. The location of the Pourashava within Sunamganj District is shown in Map 2.1. Chhatak was established as a Thana headquarters in 1908 and upgraded to Upazila in 1982 was graded as “C” class Pourashava on 1997. It was upgraded as an ‘’A” class pourashava on September 18, 2005. Chhatak is the second largest Upazila of Sunamganj Zilla in respect of population. Nothing is definitely known about the origin of the Upazila name. It is learnt that the area was very rich in producing oranges and lemons. Moreover fruits such as lemons and oranges were brought here by boat from Jaintia hills for sale in the local markets. The boatman and the passengers of the boats used ‘Chhata’ (in Bengali) meaning umbrella to protect themselves from sun and rain. The market where fruits were sold is called Chhatar Bazar. It is generally believed that the Upazila might have derived its name as Chhatak from the above word ‘Chhata’.

Because of the physiographic characteristics of the region, the settlements are clustered either on higher grounds or built up linearly following the roads or embankments as low lands including the agricultural lands mostly remain under water during the rainy season. The locations, history, geology, settlement pattern all have important implications in the Master Plan of Chhatak Pourashava.

Vision of the Structure Plan
The vision of the plan is the creation of an urban livable environment, where people irrespective of their socio-economic, demographic and religious identities can live and enjoy today within affordable means without sacrificing interests of tomorrow. The implementation of Master Plan of the Pourashava will translate this vision into reality.

Objectives of the Structure Plan
To guide long term growth within the Structure Plan Area by means of demarcation of the future growth areas and indication of potential locations of major development areas includes: a) indication of important physical infrastructure; and b) setting out policy recommendations for future development. According to the Terms of Reference, the objectives of Chhatak Pourashava Structure Plan are:
·         Description of the Pourashava’s administrative, economic, social, physical environmental growth, functional linkage and hierarchy in the national and regional context; catchments area; population; land use and urban services; agencies responsible for different sectoral activities, etc.
·         Identification of urban growth area based on analysis of patterns and trends of development, and projection of population, land use and economic activities for next 20 years.
·         Identification and description of physical and environmental problems of Chhatak Pourashava.
·         Discussion of relevant policies to analyze and find out potential scopes for the use in the present exercise and also find out constraints and weakness of the existing policy to suggest appropriate measures for the development and management of Chhatak Pourashava.
·         To provide land use development strategies.
·         To provide strategies and policies for sectoral as well as socio-economic, infrastructural and environmental issues of development.
·         To discuss about implementation issues including institutional capacity building and strengthening of Pourashava, resource mobilization etc.

Concepts, Content and Format of the Structure Plan
Structure Plan is a kind of guide plan, or framework plan, or an indicative plan that is presented with maps and explanatory texts in a broader planning perspective than other components of Master Plan. Structure Plan indicates the broad magnitudes and directions of urban growth, including infrastructure networks, the placement of major facilities such as hospitals and upazila complex. A Structure Plan is not intended to specify detailed lot by lot land use or local road configurations and development proposals. Rather it identifies the areas where growth and change are such that more detailed local and action plans are needed. Structure Plan does not require excessive effort in gathering data and it is flexible and dynamic and can be changed to accommodate demanded changes. The present Structure Plan is an overall long term strategic plan for the Pourashava Shahar (Town), Chhatak.
Structure Plan is the first component of the Master Plan package. The other two lower level components are Urban Area Plan and Ward Action Plan. Structure Plan lays down the framework of the future plan including strategy and the sectoral policies. The Urban Area Plan and the Ward Action Plan detail out development proposals under the framework of Structure Plan.

Content and Format of the Structure Plan
The Structure Plan is an indicative plan that gives a brief on the future development of an area with policy guidelines. It is a long-term plan with flexibility in the sense that it sets down a broad framework for future development, but not the details. The format of a Structure Plan comprises written document and indicative major development locations presented in maps and diagrams as parts of the report. The written text analyses the issues that are not possible to be presented as diagrams, drawings and maps. Therefore, the written document is as important as the physical plan and diagrams and should be read in conjunction with each other.

Duration and Amendment of the Structure Plan
The Structure Plan is to remain valid for a period of 20 years from the time of its approval that is up to the year 2031. Structure Plan can contain two Urban Area Plan for the time period of 10 years each and four Ward Action Plan for the time period of 5 years each.
2.1    Structure Plan Area
The total area under the Structure Plan of Chhatak is 3094.59 acre (12.52 sq. km.). This area includes the whole pourashava area and some extension areas. The extended area will ensure better road network and better control on the surrounding area of the pourashava.

Broad Planning View of Chhatak Structure Plan
Chhatak is one of the most important pourashava in Sunamganj District. It is a very well known and old urban center of the region. It is not very far from Sylhet Divisional city of Bangladesh. Having large industrial establishments within the pourashava area it has great influence to the region and surroundings of the pourashava. This is why the Structure Plan envisions the pourashava as an industrial town. With more industrial development this pourashava has the potential to become a large city in future. So it is expected that agglomeration of urban activities will happen here. Density of population will rise and the main earning source of the people will be industrial activities.

Structure Planning Zone
To guide long term growth within the Structure Plan Area by means of demarcation of the future growth areas and indication of potential locations of major development zones are broadly classified into eight categories. Total area of Structure Plan is 3094.59 acre which is more than the existing administrative area of the pourashava. This is to provide good accessibility and ensuring control over the surrounding area of the pourashava.
Table shows the policy zones of Structure Plan, its area and percentage coverage. Details of the description of structure planning zones are given in the following paragraphs.

Table: Policy Zones of the Structure Plan of Chhatak Pourashava
Description of the Zone
Area (acre)
Core Area
This area is also known as built-up area. This is defined as the area which has the highest concentration of services; it also has the highest population concentration and density. It will absorb most population growth during the Land use Plan (2011-2021) period.
Fringe Area
This zone is developing areas which will take further decades to reach the population densities of the urban core area. Low initial densities in these areas do not justify supply of a full range of services as they will initially be underused. However, it is essential that planning and reservation of rights of way, at least for primary networks, be undertaken soon to enable provision when justified by increased density levels and allowed by resources.
Peripheral Area
This is the zone where a slow trend of urbanization is continuing in unplanned manner. The area identified in the Structure Plan as the likely choice for new urban development beyond the core area. Ideally, it might be reasonable to provide primary infrastructure networks in this area to foster development and encouraged to enable a more rapid urbanization in a planned way.
New Urban Area
This zone will be the required additional area for future planned urban development as per population projection. New facilities and services like road, drains, footpath, waste transfer station and other civic services will be provided. This area is proposed to grow within 2031.
Agricultural land (also agricultural area) denotes the land suitable for agricultural production, both crops and livestock. It is one of the main resources in agriculture. The land under annual crops, such as cereals, other technical crops, potatoes, vegetables, and melons; also includes land left temporarily fallow; land under permanent crops (e.g., fruit plantations); areas for natural grasses and grazing of livestock.
Water body
Water body containing an area equals to or more than 0.25 acres including those of khal, irrigation canal and river will be treated as this category.
Major Circulation
Major circulation contains major road network and railways linkage with regional and national settings.
In this zone any kind of development like structure, road etc. is prohibited. This zone includes environmentally vulnerable hilly area.
Source: Structure Plan of Chhatak Pourashava, 2013

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