Monday, January 20, 2014

Alternating Heuristic Algorithm- III

Weight Calculation of Supply Points
Drawback of Alternating Heuristic model was the consideration of each supply centers or facilities of same type to be equal attractive (e.g. all schools will be consider to be equally attractive) to take this consideration, the attractiveness of a facility can be expressed with its weight associated. Weight of different facilities may depend on several factors. For an example, number of student enrollment, teaching quality, passing rate, medium of teaching, cost may established weight of a school; again, size, surface quality, equipment, security, etc. may establish the weight of a play ground. Depending on these factors a type of facilities can be assigned with weight and their catchments area or zone of interest may vary depending on these weights (Islam and Amin, 2006). Islam (2007) in his study introduced two different weight Aij and aij to solve  the existing drawback of Alternating Heuristic model.

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